May 21-26, 2023


The Organising and Scientific Committees of the 2023 ICAR Conference invite you to submit contributions to be presented at the conference.

Please, read the guidelines detailed below to prepare your abstract before proceeding with the submission through the online submission form.





We are looking for the submission of abstracts to various  technical sessions indicated below. These sessions are offering an exciting opportunity to present your recent technical advances in the domain in animal identification, in milk production recording and evaluation, in animal welfare, in feed and gas, sustainability and in artificial intelligence just to name a few.
  • Session 1: Drivers and challenges for uptake of new sources and uses of data recording.
  • Session 2: Advances on Monitoring Welfare at group and individual level 
  • Session 3: Breeding for Resilience to Climate Change: Adaptation strategies 
  • Session 4: Climate Change Mitigation Strategies 
  • Session 5: PLF Technology development and data accessibility 
  • Session 6: Challenges and Developments in milk recording and sampling for sheep and goats 
  • Session 7: Latest tools using MIR-spectra in the ICAR world
  • Session 8: Adaptation, resilience, and agro-ecological transition in small ruminants and camelids. 
  • Session 9: Implementing RFID into National Identification Programs 
  • Session 10: Brian Wickham Young Persons Exchange Program (BWYPEX): “Scholar Reports on 4 topics; Beef on Dairy, Sensors in Welfare Monitoring; ExtraMir, Sustainability Traits”.
  • Session 11: Recent developments in genomic evaluations: new traits, new populations.
  • Session 13: ICAR Certificate of Quality



Authors will be informed at a later stage about how to prepare and submit their presentations.

Authors agree that their presentations will be published by ICAR, in its website as PDF file, unless Authors(s) express differently during the submission of the presentation.


Participants are committed to provide a draft manuscript of their previously accepted abstract by May 20th 2023 and the final manuscript by September 30th 2023 for publication in the Proceedings as an ICAR Technical Series.

Template for preparing the manuscript is here.

Authors will be informed at a later stage about how to submit the manuscript.

All manuscripts will be made available on the ICAR website, unless differently expressed during the submission process.